Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's Thanksgiving Day today, but it didn't really feel like it. We're doing Thanksgiving on Saturday this year, and so today, my parents and I decided to go see a movie and then eat out at a Japanese Steakhouse. The movie we saw was "Old Dogs" and it was pretty good, not as funny as we thought it would be, but not bad. After the movie, we went to the restaurant, and found out that it was closed for the day, along with every, single, restaurant. The only restaurants that we found that were open were The Cracker Barrel, Waffle House, and Ruby Tuesdays, oh and this random Korean place. We ended up going to Ruby Tuesdays, which was much better than Waffle House and the Korean place. After dinner, we came home and we all basically passed out!

Mom and I were planning on waking up early to go shopping tomorrow, but we found out that it's easier and a better deal to just wait until Monday to shop online!

I'm almost done with my class this semester, only a couple weeks to go. I've already registered for next semester. I'm taking 2 classes, Improvisation and Personal Wellness. I've almost got my Associates and all i need are a few electives! I'm looking forward to next semester! The professor teaching the Improv class is a friend of mine who's been asking me to take one of her classes for a few years now. Plus, i really enjoy drama classes! The Personal Wellness class is going to be my P.E/health class, and i'm actually pretty interested in it.

I saw New Moon last weekend with a couple friends of mine. It was a pretty good movie, but definitely not as good as the book. I had very high expectations of this movie, since it's my favorite book out of the whole series, and I had heard that this was going to be a LOT better than the first movie, which it was! Watching it with my friend Max though was interesting. He kept talking throughout the whole movie, and would laugh at inappropriate moments, which made me want to hit him, haha. Afterwards, we sat in my car and talked about the movie, what we liked and what we didn't like. Kadija was the other friend to go with us, and she is a fan of the books as well, so she wasn't as harsh on it as Max was. All in all it was really fun hanging out with them! They're becoming two of my closest friends and I'm really thankful for them.

I'm also thankful for my wonderful family and crazy animals. I'm thankful that I wake up every morning and am able to fall asleep in my comfortable bed every night. I'm thankful that even though we're in a recession, our family isn't struggling like so many others. I'm thankful that my parents support me, no matter what I want to do. I'm thankful they let me live here, rent free and that they pay for my classes each semester! I'm thankful for every single day I'm alive.

Happy Thanksgiving!